Monday, June 20, 2011

Love My Marine

Just have to give a little shout out to my wonderful husband, Sergeant Tyler Prior.  When we were at the wedding rehearsal on Friday evening, we were all standing in the parking lot talking and a bugler sounded “Attention” and began to play “Evening Colors”.  Immediately, all the service members in our group turned to face and salute the flag (or the direction it was in) while the song played.  I had never seen that done before and since we were on base, we were surrounded by the Arlington Cemetery headstones.  The whole thing gave me goose bumps and made me so very proud that I am married to my husband, a Sergeant in the Marine Corps.   I tell him that I am proud of him for who he is and what he does for our country, but not enough.  I sure hope he knows how proud I feel when I say that I am married to a Marine and that I love him for everything he does.  I love you Ty!  Oorah!  

1 comment:

  1. Cuuuute! I miss y'all.... can't wait to join u in Japan! Lol
